ZAZU AFRICA LTD We are building a digital-only bank in Africa, bringing financial inclusion to millions. Total exemption full accounts made up to 31 December...
WORLD OF WEDMIN LIMITED Revolutionising the wedding industry. A tool saving couples time and stress when planning their big day. Total exemption full accounts made...
WRIGGLE LOCAL LIMITED A mobile-app selling last-moment opportunities for food and drink – ready to expand into new markets Total exemption full accounts made up...
WRISK LIMITED Built for your phone, Wrisk is insurance made so simple it’s almost unrecognisable. Accounts for a small company made up to 31 December...
WEARTH LONDON LIMITED Wearth is a thriving online platform which helps consumers make sustainable swaps to protect our planet. Micro company accounts made up to...
WHYBUY LIMITED WhyBuy intends to do for things at home what Uber did for car ownership and Deliveroo did for takeaway. Unaudited abridged accounts made...